Shari Munk-Manel


Shari Munk-Manel is a Montreal-based Partner at McMillan LLP, who practises employment and labour relations law, providing counsel to employers, and representing them in litigation and the resolution of disputes. Shari advises on hiring, performance management, employment standards, employment policies, human rights issues, compensation plans, employee termination and severance packages. She also counsels vendors and purchasers on the employment aspects of corporate transactions. Having appeared at all levels of court in Québec, Shari also advances the interests of employers in labour arbitrations, and before administrative boards and tribunals. Contact

Tom Sibley

Planning an Employee Recall? Well, Good Luck with That

by , Issue: November / December 2021

Employment law generally supports back-to-the-workplace policies, but implementing them still requires managing resistance and mitigating risks
By Malte Mueller

Hasta La Vista, Unvaccinated Employees?

by , Issue: September/October 2021

The popularity of mandatory vaccination policies may be on the rise, but implementation poses significant legal risks that need to be mitigated.