
Elon Musk

Managing Ego

by , Issue: November/December 2023

Why the need to proactively counter the impact of hubris on organizational leadership has never been greater

Understanding Canada’s New Forced-Labour Law

by , et al.Issue: September/October 2023

When Bill S-211 comes into force next year, businesses need to be prepared for it to have more teeth than critics predict

MindGeek’s Risky ESG Makeover

by Issue: May / June 2023

Why Canada’s Ethical Capital Partners should read the Ivey Business School case study on Bay Street’s rejection of Ashley Madison
Risk and Reward Street Crossing

Making Real Options Valuation a Real Option

by , et al.Issue: January / February 2023

Gaining the ability to make better investment decisions via ROV analysis isn’t as complex as many business managers think

Are You Ready for the Quantum Leap?

by , et al.Issue: September/October 2022

Why now is the time to prepare your organization for the disruption that quantum computing threatens to unleash (along with unprecedented opportunities)

Implementing CSR-contingent Executive Compensation

by , Issue: September/October 2022

As corporate purpose evolves it is worth asking if traditional executive pay formulas have reached their best-before date

Quiet Quitting Is a Leadership Issue

by Issue: September/October 2022

Why the social media-fueled work-to-rule philosophy probably says more about current company cultures than employee motivations.

The Canadian Director’s Dilemma

by , Issue: July / August 2022

Why unclear law and regulations make it challenging for Canadian boards to define their fiduciary duty, especially when stakeholder interests diverge.

Dual-Class Shares: Risks and Advantages

by , Issue: July / August 2022

Dual-class share structures can offer stakeholders real advantages, but more firms need to follow best practices in deployment to mitigate risk of abuse.

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