
AI Beyond Transactions

by , Issue: November/December 2024

Why consumer-facing brands need to proactively deploy generative artificial intelligence as a catalyst for consumer loyalty and trust

The Key to a Great Keynote


Why thought leaders and subject matter experts should think again if they see themselves as natural public speakers who don’t need coaching

To Metaverse or Not to Metaverse isn’t the Question

by Issue: March/April 2022

Despite the hype, metaverse marketing isn’t a fad that brand strategists can ignore. Here are 6 mistakes to avoid when entering the emerging virtual world marketplace.

Metaverse or Metaworse

by Issue: March/April 2022

Mark Zuckerberg’s brave new world sounds cool—but regulators need to recognize it is being designed by the Facebook culture responsible for creating major social issues
Carlos Sanchez Pereyra

Plugging in Canada’s EV Ecosystem

by Issue: November / December 2021

If Canada wants to lower GHG emissions by building an electric-vehicle ecosystem, it needs to seriously address skilled-labour issues
Horror Zombie with flaking flesh using laptop computer in dark room.

Surviving Big Data’s Zombie Apocalypse

by Issue: May/June 2021

With the rising popularity of anti-social “oppositional marketing,” big-data platforms are on a collision course with privacy regulators.
Multicolored pie chart

Unearthing Hidden Customer Value

by , et al.Issue: November / December 2020

When it comes to getting the most out of existing customer pools, value-based segmentation can be a valuable key.
Plastic businessman walking through quicksand.

Death of the (Traditional) Salesperson

by , et al.Issue: May / June 2020

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, rethinking B2B sales was required to survive disruptive forces and meet evolving customer expectations.
Group of people using smartphones.

Supporting Gen Z

by , Issue: May / June 2020

With the lives and routines of young consumers disrupted by the global health crisis, brands have unique opportunities to build long-lasting relationships.

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