March / April 2014

A takeaway from SNC-Lavalin: Long leashes are dangerous

by Issue: March / April 2014

As charges levelled at former executives of SNC-Lavalin work their way through courts around the world, the corruption……

Best practices in strategic multichannel fulfillment

by , et al.Issue: March / April 2014

Multichannel retailing is growing explosively, moving pro-active retailers to reinvent the role of traditional stores…
Stressed office worker at computer

Deconstructing Donglegate: Lessons from an HR Fiasco

by , et al.Issue: March / April 2014

Employers and employees alike can learn a lot from the well-meaning but impulsive tweet that was heard around the IT world.
Ivey Dean Bob Kennedy

The Ivey Interview: Robert Kennedy

by Issue: March / April 2014

Following an extensive international search by Western University, Robert (Bob) Kennedy officially became the new dean……

Deploying big data to recruit and retain talent

by , et al.Issue: March / April 2014

Big Data is the buzzword of the year. Every leader — whether they’re managing a small team or are at the helm of…

Winning strategies for the solution economy

by , et al.Issue: March / April 2014

American economist Milton Friedman famously said the social responsibility of business was solely to increase profits.……