March / April 2020

Customer Experience Concept, Best rating for Satisfaction present by Hand of Client giving a Five Star Rating

Maintaining Healthy Reputations During a Pandemic

by Issue: March / April 2020

When moving to survive a crisis like COVID-19, business leaders need to be prepared to live with the decisions they make long after the virus retreats.
Frustrated Hispanic business traveler waiting in airport

Managing the Hassle Factor in the Age of Disruption

by , et al.Issue: March / April 2020

When it comes to achieving the best return on foreign investment, research shows that location bias amongst management is a major hidden obstacle.
Blank Advertising Billboard, London, UK

The Art of Branding in a Pandemic

by Issue: March / April 2020

The best branding moves during the COVID-19 outbreak demonstrate how positive actions can speak louder than words.
Man delivering huge pile of toilet rolls to customer in mask

How to Sell When the World Is Upside Down

by Issue: March / April 2020

With potential customers fighting a pandemic, people in sales need to understand coffee today isn’t for closers.
Image of Coronavirus chart

How to Govern, Manage, and Work Amid COVID-19

by Issue: March / April 2020

Navigating today’s uncharted waters won’t be easy, especially for startups, but best practices for crisis management and virtual work can keep business afloat.
image of a woman and a boy holding pans up in the air

Why Fighting COVID-19 Requires Character

by , Issue: March / April 2020

Images of isolated Italians singing amid the coronavirus pandemic offer a key to what it takes to lead in extraordinary times.
Conference room with city skyline

Defining Boardroom Activists

by Issue: March / April 2020

Extra. Extra. Read all about it. Today’s corporate directors are not your grandmother’s corporate directors
Young African American woman feeling depressed at home.

Creating a Supportive Mental Health Culture

by , Issue: March / April 2020

Employers shouldn’t underestimate what can be gained by making even modest efforts to support workers with mental health issues.