September / October 2020

U.S. Supreme Court Women Justices Are Honored On Capitol Hill For Women's History Month.

The Notorious Leadership of Ruth Bader Ginsburg

by , et al.Issue: September / October 2020

For people who aspire to drive change, studying RBG’s character is as important as replicating her commitment and competence.
Friedrich Nietzsche, german philosopher, 1844-1900

The Nietzsche School of Management

by Issue: September / October 2020

When it comes to how decision makers understand problems, Nietzsche’s insights are as valuable to executives today as any lesson offered by modern business schools.
Bright meeting

Why Chairperson-cum-CEOs Have No Place in Today’s Capitalism

by , et al.Issue: September / October 2020

Faithfully serving the interests of all corporate stakeholders requires following governance best practices, which can’t be done without a real separation of powers.