If only risk and re-design intersected I could then write about the theme of this issue of Ivey Business Journal, Managing Risk, and the roll-out of the newly designed Ivey Business Journal you are looking at as one event. I strain to find a connection and thankfully, I can’t.
Ivey Business Journal went online almost 8 years ago, and since then you and I have lived with the same look and feel that was launched in September, 2002. It is difficult for any magazine these days – print or digital – to resist the twitch to change, either every year or every few years. We’ve been wanting to enable readers to become more engaged with IBJ for some time. We’ve also been wanting to re-fresh the home page for some time. And we wanted to build something that could be tweaked from time to time, to accommodate features you’d like to see. There’ll be iterations and modifications. But for now, please enjoy our new look.
If only risk taking proceeded in such a straight line. “When we take a risk, we are betting on an outcome that will result from a decision we have made, though we do not know for certain what the outcome will be.” So wrote Peter L. Bernstein, in Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk. Business leaders today can be tyrannized by risk, but fortunately they have devised ways to contain that risk. We hope that you will find the articles on managing risk rich and interesting reads. Our look is new, but as the articles in this issue demonstrate, the tradition of thoughtful, insightful articles on leadership and management lives on.
Stephen Bernhut