IBJ Features

Enhancing Scenario Planning with AI

Enhancing Scenario Planning With AI

by Issue: May / June 2023

Why ChatGPT can be a strategic planning consultant’s new best friend—if they are willing to adjust their value proposition

Managing Partnership Misfits

by , et al.Issue: May / June 2023

Why the ability to anticipate stakeholder misalignments is key to entrepreneurial success, but tragically underdeveloped

Seeding Private Sector Interest in Biodiversity

by , et al.Issue: May / June 2023

Reality says the biodiversity market is unlikely to attract the corporate champions it needs without serious incentives

Dual-Class Shares: Risks and Advantages

by , Issue: July / August 2022

Dual-class share structures can offer stakeholders real advantages, but more firms need to follow best practices in deployment to mitigate risk of abuse.

Metaverse or Metaworse

by Issue: March/April 2022

Mark Zuckerberg’s brave new world sounds cool—but regulators need to recognize it is being designed by the Facebook culture responsible for creating major social issues

What I Learned as a CEO

by Issue: March/April 2022

With three stints as a corporate leader under his belt, retired Newfoundland businessman Keith Collins offers advice on how to helm an organization

Moving Beyond Window Dressing on EDI

by , Issue: July / August 2021

The jury is still out on whether the corporate world has what it takes to really embrace equity, diversity, and inclusion. Here is how to walk the talk.
Iceberg Underwater in Ililussat.

Rethinking EDI Training Amid Today’s Changing Social Consciousness

by , Issue: March/April 2021

Focusing EDI programs on visible behaviours can help make the difference between meeting expectations and falling short or making things worse.
Athletic female rock climber.

Report from the Front Lines of Workplace Disruption

by Issue: January / February 2021

Working in HR today is like climbing a steep mountain, on your own, in the dark, without a rope, during a perfect storm.

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