
Giving Your Inner Operating System an Upgrade

by Issue: November/December 2024

A lot must change before it is too late to limit the impact of global challenges, including how leaders and followers see the world

Aligning CSR and Climate Justice for Indigenous Peoples

by , Issue: September/October 2024

A framework for navigating the path to sustainability by empowering Indigenous Peoples while tapping into their deep knowledge as stewards of our planet
Enhancing Scenario Planning with AI

Enhancing Scenario Planning With AI

by Issue: May / June 2023

Why ChatGPT can be a strategic planning consultant’s new best friend—if they are willing to adjust their value proposition

Seeding Private Sector Interest in Biodiversity

by , et al.Issue: May / June 2023

Reality says the biodiversity market is unlikely to attract the corporate champions it needs without serious incentives

Beware Convergence of SRI and Impact Investing

by , Issue: July / August 2022

The financial world needs to recognize that making a proactive difference requires more than simply appropriating impact assessment terminology.

Green Economy Growing Pains

by , et al.Issue: July / August 2022

It’s time to address the disconnect between green job growth and the employment expectations of the green generation.

Guiding Corporate Sustainability

by Issue: July / August 2022

Canada’s ambitious Innovation North initiative aims to save the planet (and capitalism along with it) by disrupting traditional approaches to innovation

Setting Standards for a Canadian Sustainability Standards Board

by , et al.Issue: May / June 2022

Indigenous voices and greater stakeholder interests, along with a serious focus on international comparability, need to be a real part of the standards oversight conversation
Carlos Sanchez Pereyra

Plugging in Canada’s EV Ecosystem

by Issue: November / December 2021

If Canada wants to lower GHG emissions by building an electric-vehicle ecosystem, it needs to seriously address skilled-labour issues

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