
Horror Zombie with flaking flesh using laptop computer in dark room.

Surviving Big Data’s Zombie Apocalypse

by Issue: May/June 2021

With the rising popularity of anti-social “oppositional marketing,” big-data platforms are on a collision course with privacy regulators.
Multicolored pie chart

Unearthing Hidden Customer Value

by , et al.Issue: November / December 2020

When it comes to getting the most out of existing customer pools, value-based segmentation can be a valuable key.
Plastic businessman walking through quicksand.

Death of the (Traditional) Salesperson

by , et al.Issue: May / June 2020

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, rethinking B2B sales was required to survive disruptive forces and meet evolving customer expectations.
Group of people using smartphones.

Supporting Gen Z

by , Issue: May / June 2020

With the lives and routines of young consumers disrupted by the global health crisis, brands have unique opportunities to build long-lasting relationships.
Blank Advertising Billboard, London, UK

The Art of Branding in a Pandemic

by Issue: March / April 2020

The best branding moves during the COVID-19 outbreak demonstrate how positive actions can speak louder than words.
Man delivering huge pile of toilet rolls to customer in mask

How to Sell When the World Is Upside Down

by Issue: March / April 2020

With potential customers fighting a pandemic, people in sales need to understand coffee today isn’t for closers.
robot sitting on a brain

Intelligent Human Thinking About AI

by Issue: November/December 2019

Why waiting to see if artificial intelligence lives up to its hype is strategically dumb for executives and policymakers alike.
Row of empty chairs in board room

Strategic Marketers Should Sit at the Board Table

by Issue: January / February 2019

Seismic changes in consumer attitudes are taking place in the market, and appointing directors who understand them can pay huge dividends.
Black and white drawing of an older man with a mustache

Being More than the Largest Thug in the Ring

by Issue: November / December 2018

In his memoir Marketing Saves the World, Bill Matassoni offers insights from a 40-year consulting career spanning McKinsey, BCG, Mitchell Madison and Glass House Group.

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