November / December 2018

Image of Alastair BathGate

Building the World’s Digital Workforce

by Issue: November / December 2018

Alastair Bathgate is on a mission as CEO of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) firm Blue Prism—but it’s about liberating human workers, not terminating jobs.
David McKay, President and CEO of the Royal Bank of Canada

Taking Disruption to the Bank

by Issue: November / December 2018

Fear of change doesn’t have to paralyze your organization. In this executive Q&A, Royal Bank CEO David McKay explains how to build a pivot culture.
Woman sitting in a car listening to music looking at her phone with a cup in her hand

The Sound of Leadership

by Issue: November / December 2018

Research into the influence of music shows executives can work toward improving performance while travelling or taking a shower.
Girl performs a kick in jump at dark gray background

Being Undisruptable

by Issue: November / December 2018

To foster rapid development of new business models, Deloitte research shows CEOs are relying on a novel set of leadership characteristics.
Older brown man with purple glasses smiles quietly at the camera

Directing Disruption

by Issue: November / December 2018

Serving a board in the Digital Age is a lot like trying to win a sailing race in rough seas. It requires extreme focus and constant strategy review, says ICD head Rahul Bhardwaj.
Image of business people leaping on rocks in a lake

Taking Leadership from Good to Great

by , Issue: November / December 2018

A lot of leaders think they are great at the job. Some are, most aren’t. The difference is self-awareness and willingness to develop character.
Black and white drawing of an older man with a mustache

Being More than the Largest Thug in the Ring

by Issue: November / December 2018

In his memoir Marketing Saves the World, Bill Matassoni offers insights from a 40-year consulting career spanning McKinsey, BCG, Mitchell Madison and Glass House Group.
Image of a red haired man with a green tie looking into the camera

Powering Corporate Agility

by Issue: November / December 2018

Want to differentiate your company? In this executive Q&A, Ballard Power CEO Randall MacEwen explains how the required management skill set has changed.